Aug 31, 2009

Swedish-Israel tension on 'organ harvest article invovling palestinians' continues

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After the publication of an article related to an organ harvesting racket reportedly, done by the Israeli defense forces in a Swedish News daily named Aftonbladet by journalist Donald Boström, the political atmosphere between Sweden and Israel has been strained, with Israeli politicians calling on the Swedish government to condemn the publication. Initially the Swedish Ambassador to Israel Elisabeth Borsiin Bonnier condemned the incident, but Stockholm the capital of Sweden, distanced itself from the issue citing press freedom in the country. But there is uproar among the Israeli Politicians accusing Sweden of supporting anti-Semitic lobby in Sweden.

The controversy took a new turn now, when Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said he has discussed with his Swedish counterpart ironing out a resolution denouncing anti-Semitic culture at an EU foreign ministers meet in Stockholm, Sweden, which is now the rotating president of the EU for six months.

But later on the Swedish FM Carl Bildt farcically denied about discussing the issue at all with the Italian Minister. Italy:EU should condemn the aftonbladet article.

Aftonbladet's organ harvesting allegations are ludicrous from a medical perspective, writes Johns Hopkins medical school lecturer Andrea Meyerhoff, who also argues that Sweden has missed an opportunity to "reject anti-Semitism and reaffirm principles of good journalism." -

1.An excerpt from the article in TheLocal.

"Bildt did the math: no one gains political points from pleasing Israel"

2. Another article by David Stavrou.


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